A. 診療項目 健保號 手術號 費用,元
Pelvic examination 骨盆腔檢查 55021C 40
Vaginal irrigation 陰道灌洗 55011C 60
PP care 會陰沖洗 55009C
Pap smear 抹片取樣 55012C 50
Cytology 細胞學檢查 15017C 200
OBS/GYN Sono 婦產科超音波 19003C 400
OGTTs(50gm), OGTT(100mg) 葡萄糖耐糖 24009A 200
Fetal monitor(<3hrs) 胎心監視 18013C 250 >3hrs (每小時) 18014C
30 >6hrs(限住院病人) 18035B 400
Diagnostic D&C 80401C 69.09 1160
Small specimen(each)<5cm 小件病理切片 25001C 600
MR 55002C 69.6 650
Therapeutic dilatation Cx 55018C 67.0 470
D&C(<<12wk) 81006C 69.01 1010
D&C(>12wk) 81007C 69.01 1280
Cx Cryosurgery 55003C 67.33 630
E/C cauterization 電燒治療 55013C 67.32 30
子宮頸電燒或冷凍後治療 55013C 30
Medication Cx bleeding 55004C 40
Cx polypectomy 80207C 67.39 300
Colposcopy 28028C 70.21 360
Cervical biopsy 55001C 67.12 430
Hysteroscopy(不能申報28028C) 28022C 68.12 720
Marsupialization of Batholin abscess 79802C 71.23 1280
Drain batholin abscess 50018C
Conization 80205B 67.2 2620
Drainage ovary cyst 80803C 65.91 4320
Culdocentesis 29023C 70.0 480 B.
Operation ICD-code number
54.11 Exp lap for pelvis
40.3 & 40.5 BPLND
54.12 Exp lap & check bleeding
54.21 Laparoscopy
59.9 MMK
65.29 Enucleation of ovarian cyst
65.4 RSO or LSO
65.6 BSO
65.8 Lysis of adhesion
65.91 Aspiration of ovary
65.95 Release of torsion of ovary
66.2 Lapa. T/S
66.4 Salpingectomy, unilateral
66.5 Salpingectomy, bilateral
66.7 Tuboplasty
66.8 Bromopertubation with methyl blue
67.2 Conization of cervix
67.5 Shirodkar operation
68.12 Hysteroscopy
68.29 Myomectomy
68.3 Subtotal hysterectomy
68.4 TAH
68.5 VTH
68.6 Radical hysterectomy
69.01 D&C
69.09 Diagnostic D&C
69.22 Uterus suspension
69.6 MR
69.96 Removal of cervlage from cervix
70.50 AP repair
70.51 A repair
70.52 P repair
70.71 Suture of vaginal laceration
70.77 Repair of vagina, vaginal suspension and fixation
71.23 Marsupialization
71.79 Repair of old Epi wound
71.9 Other GYN operation
77.89 Mini T/S
74.0 Classic C/S
74.1 C/S
C. 婦科疾病
ICD-9-CM 英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱
617.0 Adenomyosis
626.0 Amenorrhea
616.3 Bartholin's gland abscess
616.2 Bartholin's gland cyst
174.9 Breast Ca
217 Breast tumor, benign
611.9 Breast, disease
610.1 Breast, fibrocyst
611.0 Breast, Mastitis
622.0 Cervical erosion and ectropion
622.7 Cervical polyp
622.4 Cervical stricture
616.0 Cervicitis
180.9 Cervix Ca
233.1 Cervix Ca CIS, III
622.1 Cervix, dysplasia (CIN lesion)
752.9 Congenital anomalies of genital organ
752.2 Congenital, Doubling of uterus
626.8 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding(DUB)
625.3 Dysmenorrhea
625.0 Dyspareunia
621.3 Endometrial hyperplasia
621.0 Endometrial polyp
617.1 Endometrioma(chocolate cyst)
617.9 Endometriosis
182 Endometrium Ca
619.9 Fistula involving female genital organ
621.4 Hematometra
620.8 Hemosalpinx
628.9 Infertility of female
606.9 Infertility of male
626.4 Irregular menstrual cycle
V25.1 IUD, insertion
V25.42 IUD, Reinsertion or remove
627.2 Menopausal syndrome
626.2 Menorrhagia
625.2 Mitterischmerz
626.1 Oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea
733.00 Osteoporosis
629.8 Other female genital organs disorder
256.9 Ovarian dysfunction
220 Ovarian tumor, benign
183.0 Ovary Ca
620.2 Ovary cyst
620.5 Ovary cyst torsion
256.3 Ovary failure
628.0 Ovary, Anovulation
620.1 Ovary, Corpus luteum cyst or hematoma(rupture), follicle
620.8 Ovary, OHSS, hyperstimulation syndrome
256.4 Ovary, polycystic ovary(PCOD)
614.6 Pelvic adhesion
221 Pelvic benign tumor, other
625.5 Pelvic gongestion syndrome
184 Pelvic malignant tumor, other
625.9 Pelvic pain, LAP
614.3 PID, chrinic
614.1 PID, Hydrosalpinx
614.9 PID, Inflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic
cellular tissue and peritoneum(PID)
615.5 PID, Inflammatory disease of uterus 子宮炎症(子宮頸除外)
614.2 PID, Salpingitis and oophoritis, TOA 卵巢輸卵管炎症
181 Placenta malignance
627.1 Post-menopausal bleeding
V74.1 Pregnancy test 未確定懷孕試驗
625.4 Premenstrual tension syndrome
618.1 Prolapse of uterus
618.0 Prolapse of vaginal walls, cystorectocele, cystocele, urethrocele,
618.5 Prolapse vaginal wall after TAH
698.1 Pruritus of genital organ
629.8 Sebaceous cyst of female genital organs 毛囊炎
078.89 STD, Chlamydiae, disease
078.1 STD, Condyloma accuminata (Wart)
098.0 STD, Gonorrhea, urogenital acute
099.2 STD, Granuloma inguinale 鼠蹊腹骨溝肉芽腫
054.9 STD, Herpes simplex
099.1 STD, Lymphogranuloma venereum 花柳性淋巴肉芽腫
097.9 STD, Syphilis
099.9 STD, venereal disease
V25.2 Sterilization
625.6 SUI
621.5 Synechiae, intrauterine synechiae(Asherman syndrome) 子宮內粘連
628.2 Tubal obstruction
V26.0 Tuboplasty
218.9 Uterine Myoma
219.9 Uterine tumor, benign
179 Uterine, malignant tumor
623.0 Vagina dysplasia
627.3 Vagina, atrophic vaginitis(post menopausal)
184.0 Vaginal Ca
623.2 Vaginal stricture
112.1 Vaginal, Candidiasis
623.8 Vaginal, hemorrhage
623.5 Vaginal, Leukorrhea
131.00 Vaginal, Trichomoniasis
616.1 Vaginitis
616.9 Vaginitis, Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina and vulva
624.9 Vulva and perineum non-infammatory disorder
184.4 Vulva Ca
624.0 Vulva dystrphy 女陰發育不良
616.50 Vulva, Ulceration
D. 產科疾病(
640-648, 651-659).
0.Unspecified; 1.Delivered, with or without mention of antpartum
2.Delivered, with mention of postpartum complication;
3.Antepartum condition or complication; 4.Postpartum condition or
ICD-9-CM 英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱
635.90 Abortion, artificial 人工流產(合法)
631 Abortion, blighted ovum
637.92 Abortion, complete
639.9 Abortion, complication
646.33 Abortion, haitual
637.91 Abortion, incomplete
636.90 Abortion, induced illegally
635.90 Abortion, induced legally
632 Abortion, missed
634.90 Abortion, spontaneious
640.03 Abortion, threatened
648.23 Anemia, in pregnancy
V22.1 Antepartum examination 產檢
641.93 Antepartum hemorrhage(APH)
665.5 Bladder trauma, obsterieal
631 Blighted ovum
652.23 Breech presentation, undelivered
669.7 C/S, etiology not mention
654.53 Cervical incompetence
V20.2 Checkup, routine infant or child health check 新生兒體檢
655.93 Congenital fetal anomaly, pregnancy weeks, undelivered 胎兒異常
648.5 Congenital heart disease, with pregnancy
653.43 CPD
648.6 CV disease, with pregnancy
648.83 DM, Gestational diabetes mellitus , undelivered, abnormal
661.1 Dysfunction labor, Arrested active phase of labor
661.93 Dysfunctional labor, undelivered
642.63 Eclampsia
633.9 Ectopic pregnancy
633.1 Ectopic pregnancy, tube
646.1 Edema, gestational
670.04 Endometritis, postparum
656.3 Fetal distress
672 Fever, Post partum fever
643.13 Hyperemesis gravidarum, undelivered
648.1 Hyperthyrodism, gestational
659.13 Induction failed, undelivered
659.83 Induction, Pregnancy, admission for induction, undelivered
632 IUFD(<22wks), miss abortion
656.43 IUFD(>22wks)
648.93+789.0 LAP Pregnancy---wks and acute abdomen, undelivered
656.63 Large for gestational age, undelivered(LGA)
652.93 Malpresentation, undelivered
630 Mole pregnancy, undelivered
V61.5 Multiparity
651 Multiple gestation(650.1twin, 651.1triplet)
654.13+218.9 Myoma, pregnancy
650 NSD
660.93 Obstructed labor pregnancy, undelivered
658.03 Oligohydramnios, undelivered
642.3 PIH
641.23 Placenta abruption
641.13 Placenta previa, with bleeding
641.0 Placenta previa, without bleeding
641.8 Placenta, low lying
666.0 Placenta, retension
657.03 Polyhydramnios, undelivered
V24.2 Postpartum follow-up, routine 產後檢查
666.14 Postpartum hemorrhage(PPH)
652.2 Precipitate labor
642.43 Pre-eclampsia
V22.2 Pregnancy
V72.4 Pregnancy test 未確定驗孕試驗
644.03 Preterm labor, undelivered(>22wks, <37wks)
644.13 Preterm labor, undelivered(>37wks)
654.23 Previous C/S, undelivered
661.0 Prolong latent phase of labor
662.0 Prolonged first stage
662.1 Prolonged labor, unspecified
645.03 Prolonged pregnancy, undelivered(overterm)
662.2 Prolonged second stage
658.13 PROM, chorioamnionitis with effect fetus, undelivered
646.9 Protein in pregnancy
656.53 Small for gestational age, undelivered(SGA)
V25.2 Sterilization
V61.7 Unwanted pregnancy
647.83+465.9 URI, pregnancy
661.2 Uterine atony
665.2 Uterine inversion
639.2 Uterine perforation follow by abortion
646.63+599.0 UTI, pregnancy
665.4 Vaginal laceration in delivery
665.7 Vaginal, hematoma complication with delivery
674.1 Wound, C/S wound disruption
674.34 Wound, Perineal wound, or C/S infection or hematoma
E. 其他疾病
ICD-9-CM 英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱
789.0 Abdominal pain, low abdomnial pain
625.9 Abdominal pain, low, pelvic pain 下腹痛
285.1 Anemia, acute blood loss
280.9 Anemia, iron deficiency
282.4 Anemia, Thalassemia(alph, beta)
285.9 Anemia, unspecified
300.00 Anxiety
541 Appendicitis, unqualified
543.0 Appendix, lymphoid hyperplasia
414.0 ASHD, artherosclerotic
493.90 Asthma
724.9 Back, disorder 背部疾患
722.1 Back, HIVD(Sciatica)
847.2 Back, lumbar sprain
724.2 Back, myofascitis, low back pain, lumbago 腰痛
041.9 Bacteria infection
790.7 Bacteriemia
867.1 Bladder injury open wound to cavity
427.89 Bradydardia
490 Bronchitis
414.9 CAD ?
429.3 Cardiomegaly
354.1 Carpal tunnel syndrome
437.9 Cerebrovascular disease (CVD)
V68.0 Certification, issue of medical certificates 開診斷書
721.1 Cervical myelopathy
V70.0 Checkup 成人健檢
V20.2 Checkup, routine infant or child health check
052.9 Chickenpox
562.10 Colon diverticula
569.83 Colon, perforation
372.30 Conjunctivitis
564.0 Constipation
692.9 Dermatitis, contact(Eczema)
110.9 Dermatophytosis 髮癬菌病
250.00 DM, Diabets mellitus
271.3 DM, Glucose intolerance
786.09 Dyspnea
492.8 Emphysema
530.9 Esophagus, disease 食道疾病
379.90 Eye, disorder 眼疾患
374.9 Eyelid, disorder
571.8 Fatty liver
780.6 Fever of unknown origin(FUO), fever
V65.4 Follow up for report result 看報告解釋病情
939.1 Foreign body retention
574.2 Gall stone
575.6 Gallbladder polyp
558.9 GI, acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea
532 GI, duodenal ulcer
564.9 GI, Functional digestive disorders 功能性消化道疾病
536.9 GI, functional gastrointestinal disorder 腸胃道功能障礙
531 GI, gastric ulcer
535.0 GI, Gastritis, hemorrhagic
535.4 GI, Gastritis, superficial
564.1 GI, Irritable bowel syndrome
533.90 GI, Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍
274.9 Gout
402 HCVD
784.0 Headache
349.0 Headache, spinal
568.81 Hemoperitonium
455.6 Hemorrhoid
751.62 Hepatic cyst
573.3 Hepatitis
794.8 Hepatitis, abnormal liver function test
571.5 Hepatitis, Chr. liver disease, and cirrhosis 肝硬化
571.9 Hepatitis, Chronic liver disease 慢性肝炎
070.9 Hepatitis, viral 病毒性肝炎
553.21 Hernia, incisional hernia 切口腹壁疝氣
053.9 Herpes zoster
272.4 Hyperlipidemia
253.1 Hyperprolactinemia, pituitary gland benign tumor, 227.3)
401.9 Hypertension, essential
402.90 Hypertensive heart disease
405.99 Hypertnsion, secondary
272.1 Hypertriglyceriemia
790.6 Hyperuricemia
273.8 Hypoalbuminemia
560.81 Ileus, adhesion 腸塞粘連
628.9 Infertility, female
606.9 Infertility, male
780.52 Insomnia
560.9 Intestinal obstruction
716.90 Joint, Athropathies 關節病變
719.99 Joint, disorder
715.9 Joint, Osteoarthritis
714.0 Joint, Rheumatoid arthritis
753.0 Kidney agenesis
214.9 Lipoma, unspecified site
608.9 Male genital organs, disorders
386 Meniere's disease
394.9 Mitral valva disorder (MVP)
728.85 Muscle spasm 襟巒
848.9 Muscle Sprain/Strain 扭傷及拉傷
729.1 Muscle, myofascitis, unspecified
784.2 Neck mass
581.9 Nephrotic syndrome
300.9 Neurosis
263.9 Nutritional deficiencies 營養缺乏
278.0 Obesity
110.1 Onychomycosis
881.00 Open wound of elbow, forearm and wrist
883.0 Open wound of fingers
892.0 Open wound of foots
882.0 Open wound of hands
891.0 Open wound of knee, leg and ankle
528.9 Oral ulcer
567 Peritonitis
227.3 Pituitary gland benign tumor
710.4 Polymyositis
753.1 Renal cyst
056.9 Rubella
038.9 Sepsis
725.59 Shock, hypovolemic
709.9 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorder 皮膚皮下組織疾患
756.12 Spondylolithesis
721.90 Spondylosis
592.0 Stone, renal
592.1 Stone, ureteral stone
592.9 Stone, urinary
780.9 Symptoms, general
710.0 Systemic lupus erythematosis(SLE)
287.5 Thrombocytopenia
240.9 Thyroid, Goiter
242 Thyroid, Goiter with hyperthyroidism
242.90 Thyroid, Hyperthyridism
244.0 Thyroid, Hypothyrodism (post op)
244.9 Thyroid, Hypothyroidism
110.5 Tinea coporis
110.3 Tinea cruris
110.4 Tinea pedis
585 Uremia
465.9 URI
466.1 URI, Bronchiolitis, acute
466.0 URI, Bronchitis, acute
487.1 URI, Influenza
462 URI, Pharyngitis, acute
472.1 URI, Pharyngitis, chronic
486 URI, Pneumonia
519.9 URI, Respiratory system, disease
472.0 URI, Rhinitis, chronic
473.9 URI, Sinusitis, chronic
463 URI, Tonsilitis, acute
708.9 Urticaria
599.0 UTI
590.1 UTI, APN
596.4 UTI, Atonic bladder
595.0 UTI, Cystitis, acute
788.1 UTI, Dysuria
788.4 UTI, Frequency of urination
596.5 UTI, functional disorders of bladder
599.7 UTI, hematuria
591 UTI, Hydronephrosis
590.9 UTI, Kidney Infection
597.80 UTI, urethritis
788.2 UTI, urine retention
780.4 Vertigo
078.89 Viruses, Disease
427.69 VPCs
868.10 Wound, open wound into cavity
998.3 Wound, operation wd disruption
998.1 Wound, Post-op hemorrhage
998.5 Wound, post-op infection
459.9 未明之循環病
F. 新碼
55022C 子宮內避孕器取出術(須擴張子宮頸及麻醉者)
55023C 生殖器雷射治療
55024C 子宮外翻復位術
55025C 陰道切片
62062B 腫瘤組織檢查切片術,部位未明示
78034B 膀胱破裂修補術
78036B 膀胱懸吊術
78037B KELLY手術 KELLY operation
79603C 女陰白斑切除術
80024B 從陰道進入之陰道固定術.
80025B 腹腔鏡陰道懸吊術
80604B 輸卵管剝離術Salpingolysis with microscopic
80605B 輸卵管吻合術 End to end anastomosis
80606B 輸卵管造口術Salpingostomy without microscopic
80607B 輸卵管補植術Reimplantation with microscopic
80808B 黃體囊腫破裂修補術
80809B 卵巢癌再次手術探查術
80810B 卵巢囊腫切除術
81021B 骨盆腔惡性腫瘤消滅術
81022B 敗血性流產
81023B 子宮內膜電燒及切除術
93021C 全血:每單位 (250cc) Whole blood
93022C 向非捐血中心取血,全血(每單位 250cc)